the ultimate compliment
it's after 11pm and i'm up (unusual) watching david letterman (really unusual). he's featuring a comedian who does impersonations. i just watched him mimic john travolta, nicholas cage, al pacino, ray romano, bill cosby, and a few others i'd already forgotten before the commercial break.
i thought it was kind of interesting that this man was applauded and given kudos for pretending to be someone else. who is he? dunno. but he plays a mean barbarino! he is making a name for himself by acting like someone whose made a name for themselves. hunh!
and i noticed he selected figures that had traits unique enough be recognizable when duplicated. just any joe wouldn't do. it had to be someone who would stand out above all the others.. there's a huge pool of famous people to choose from, but he wasn't up there doing tom hanks, sony bono, or donahue - even though they are just as well-known. he hand-selected people that were easily identifyable for one reason or another.
i don't even think the traits that distinguished them are easy traits to mirror. but they are so unique that even when the copy isn't perfect, it is still recognizable.
and haven't we always heard that imitation is the highest form of flattery? what better way to tell someone how much you value them than by trying to be like them? it's saying.. i like you so much that i wanna be like you!
these late night comedians might be onto something and probably don't even know it. i think we can learn a thing or two from them. in fact, why don't we try impersonating an impressionist?
there's a Famous One most worthy of being followed. His traits are unique - and recognizable without question. we can't be exactly like Him - not perfectly. but when we attempt to display His character to others, it is unmistakable who we are trying to imitate. and we can make a name for ourselves simply by acting like Him.
but i'd rather not make a name for myself, thankyouverymuch. i'd rather point to Him.. pay Him the ultimate compliment by modeling Him in my life.
i'm working on it already. and everyday, i take it on the road. and i hope the more i work at it, the more people will see it in me: my Jesus-impression.